Our Dryer Vent Inspection Process
So now that you know what we look for when conducting a dryer vent inspection, let’s briefly talk about the process. The first thing we check when inspecting the dryer duct is the flexible transition duct behind the dryer. To do this, we typically pull the dryer out and ensure that the duct is the correct material,/length and isn’t crushed, damaged or disconnected.
Next, if the vent runs between a wall or ceiling we use a camera to inspect the inside of the vent and check the type of material and make sure there are no screws or other possible obstructions. If it’s a ground level dryer vent we simply enter the crawlspace to get a closer look. It typically takes only a few minutes for us to quickly inspect the vent and ensure that there are no code violations (screws, duct tape, disconnects etc).
Lastly, we turn the dryer on and check the exterior vent cover whether it’s on the ground level, over 20 ft high, or on the roof. We ensure there are no screens and the correct 4″ dryer vent cover is installed with out any possible restrictions to the airflow. Then we check the airflow using an anemometer to make sure the airflow is at least 1100 FPM (feet per minute).
After reading this article you should have a pretty good idea of what to look for when inspecting your dryer vent and what questions you should ask your pro when choosing someone to come inspect it for you. If you live in the Nashville area and would like Dryer Vent Tech to inspect your dryer vent, contact us here. We look forward to serving you soon!